How To Change Career

With Midlife Career Change Coach

Josh Peck

For mid- to senior professionals wanting to change to a more fulfilling career without taking a paycut

Join me LIVE 12-1pm on Monday 9 September


How To Change Career

With Midlife Career Change Coach

Josh Peck

For mid- to senior professionals wanting to change to a more fulfilling career without taking a pay cut

Join me from 12-1pm BST on Monday 9 September

This is for you if...

  • You have spent over two decades working your way towards the top in your career and are now objectively mid- to senior, successful and well-paid in a corporate, creative or public sector role.

  • But feel unfulfilled, uninspired and unexcited by what you do.

  • You know that you need a career change but don't know what to or how to make it pay.

  • And the thought of starting again, going back to school or taking a big pay cut is keeping you stuck.

  • You want to know how to uncover a more aligned career that gives you fulfilment, balance and financial freedom.

Hey, I'm Josh

I spent over twenty years in corporate communications, the last 14 as MD of a large agency. I knew I wanted to change career but had no idea what or how to make it work.

Now I'm a Midlife Career Change Coach, helping people just like you find a second career that fits them like a glove.

In this class I'm going to show you how to successfully change career, without having to sacrifice your salary or your balance. And I'll share the process I now use with my own clients.

I hope you'll join me.

In this free 60-minute session I will share with you...

  • The three major reasons your career change is stuck (so you can finally stop thinking about a career change and actually get on with it)

  • How to work out EXACTLY what you want to do next (to get the meaningful work, income and lifestyle you want)

  • The simple formula for career change success (to make this all as easy and uncomplicated as possible)

  • How you can make your second career even more successful than the first (to avoid having to start again)

  • The strategies my clients use to increase their income in their second careers (so they don't have to take a pay cut)

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